SGA’s Facilities Council strives to serve as the liaison between Auburn University’s Facilities Management Division and the student body. SGA’s Facilities Council works with a broad variety of initiatives anywhere from Weagle Water to the new Campus Master Plan. Working closely with SGA’s Student Interests and Auxiliary Services Councils, we hope to make campus a place that all students call “home.”
University Operations

Projects, Goals and Initiatives
Over the next year, the Facilities team has set the following goals which include, but are not limited to:
- Develop a composting system on campus to improve sustainability efforts on campus
- Create an app that gives students a platform to anonymously report potentially unsafe behavior on campus. Implementing such an app would provide students and administrators with more consistent updates on the safety of Auburn’s campus.
- Continue to work to see the implementation of charging stations on campus
- Continue to identify locations on campus that could benefit from Weagle Water stations
- Implement more Blue Light Emergency Poles on campus
- Begin conversations with administration on how to better use the Student ACT
- Advocate for the construction of an outdoor study space on campus
- Continue to give student input on the design and construction of the new Central Classroom Facility and the Auburn Memorial Project. Both of these projects are still in the design phase, but we hope to see them come to fruition in the near future.
- Check out the Auburn Memorial Project website for the latest information, updates and renderings of the project.
Previous Facility initiatives include:
- Weagle Water is an SGA initiative that began only a few years ago where water fountains on campus are also being equipped with a filtered water bottle filling station for reusable water bottles. Each filling station has a “water bottles saved” count that displays the number of disposable water bottles eliminated from the use of reusable bottles.
- Wifi Improvements to the Student Center to allow more bandwidth for the student body.
- Charging Stations will be added throughout campus to allow easier access for students’ charging needs.
If you have any input or ideas pertaining to Facilities that you would like to be heard, please contact the AVP of Facilities or one of the Directors of Facilities listed on this page and we would love to hear from you. SGA is only effective if we have the opinion of students!
Quick Links
Student Government Association
255 Heisman Drive – 3130 AU Student Center
Auburn University, AL 36849-5134
Phone and Fax
Phone: (334) 844-4240
Fax: (334) 844-4172
SGA Contact: SGA Mailbox
Last modified: July 18, 2019