
SGA’s Legislative Branch consists of the Student Senate and the Executive Student Councils that work together to represent their constituents, and serve as their voice to Auburn administration.

The Student Government Association Senate is made up of 34 senators, apportioned among every academic college, who represent the student body. Five committees within the Senate work to better student life.

Connect with Your College Representative

The Executive Student Council serves to create fellowship among individual councils and to give each academic college a voice within the Student Government Association. The Council enables collaboration within individual school councils to create stronger opportunities for students.

View the Executive Student Council Directory




Social Media

Facebook: Auburn SGA

Instagram: @AuburnSGA

Twitter: @AuburnSGA


Student Government Association

255 Heisman Drive

Auburn University, AL 36849-5134


Phone: (334) 844-4788

Last modified: April 10, 2024