SGA Candidate Positions

SGA Candidate Positions

Descriptions for SGA Minor and Major Candidate positions are below.

A list of candidate platforms as well as budgets will be posted upon spring 2021 elections.

Minor Candidate Positions


The Student Government Association Senate is made up of thirty-four Senators. Five of which serve as At-Large Senators and are elected by the entire student body. The remaining 29 are elected by their respective school or college.

  • Represent the student body on a variety of issues that impact Auburn University
  • Drafts laws to govern the student body
  • Writes resolutions to express student sentiments to Administration
  • Work in areas pertaining to academics, finances, diverse interests, athletics, campus life, and more

School’s Council

Each undergraduate and professional college/school shall form a Schools Council composed of a President, Vice President, and other necessary appointed positions. Each school council shall be recognized as a branch of the college/school and the Student Government Association.

  • Serve in an advisory capacity to the organization of the school/college
  • Sponsor school wide activities
  • Serve as a liaison between students, faculty, and SGA President

Major Candidate Positions

SGA President

Serve on the Board of Trustees

  • Be knowledgeable on all BOT material and communicate that material with stakeholders
  • Build relationships with BOT members
  • Be prepared to and speak up for student concerns

Work with Administrators

  • Build relationships with Admin and use these relationships to push goals
  • Use as a sounding board and source of information for ongoing projects
  • Connect Admin to other SGA members to work on projects

Be knowledgeable of all things SGA

  • Viewed as the sole student representative for everything SGA does- Cabinet, Senate, Boards and Committees, etc., must be knowledgeable so you are never caught off guard
  • Help and give advice to SGA members on topics you are familiar with


  • Appoint all cabinet positions
  • Appoint open Senate and School’s Council seats

Speaking Engagements/Development Meetings/Etc.

  • Speak on behalf of Auburn University Students in many different situations

SGA Vice President

The primary role of the SGA Vice President is to preside over the Legislative branch as the President of the Student Senate. In addition, the Vice President works hand in hand with the SGA President, Treasurer, and Executive Cabinet to lead the Student Government Association and to make central decisions regarding the direction of the student body. The Vice President is required to function in several different capacities:

As President of the Student Senate, the Vice President has the following responsibilities:

  • Cast the vision for the Student Senate and equip senators for success, motivating senators to serve the constituents they represent and holding them accountable for doing so
  • Preside over and lead all senate meetings, facilitating speakers, reports, presentations, motions, discussions, and voting procedures on the senate floor each week
  • Work with committee chairs to coordinate and advise the efforts of the senate committees
  • Sign passed legislation and ensure the proper completion of the routing process

As an Executive Officer, the Vice President also has the following responsibilities:

  • Work with administrators to carry out the initiatives of the VP’s own platform as well as the goals collectively established by the Executive Board
  • Work with administrators to bring the requests from senate resolutions to fruition and serve as the point of contact between (the work of) senators and the administration
  • Lead the relationship between Senate and Cabinet (including Schools Council), ensuring the two work together effectively (while maintaining a system of checks and balances)

SGA Treasurer

The Student Government Association Treasurer oversees all aspects of the SGA budget, working with each member of Cabinet to ensure the needs of their programs and projects are met. The SGA Treasurer also works in coordination with the Budget and Finance Committee to establish all documentations and dates for Budget and Finance hearings.

The SGA Treasurer should be knowledgeable of all aspects of the Finance portion of the Code of Laws, understand the Budget and Finance Process thoroughly, work with all SAP Treasurers to ensure fiscal responsibility, and maintain active oversight of the SGA Budget and the Student Reserve Fund. The SGA Treasurer is responsible for approving all expenses from the SGA Budget and carrying out these transactions. The Treasurer also oversees all members of the Finance Branch to ensure the success of SGA’s revenue streams and scholarships.  The SGA Treasurer should lean on the AVP of Finance to assist in oversight of these as well as use this position to help take on finance initiatives.

The Role of the SGA Treasurer is to:

  • Create and Maintain the SGA Budget
  • Oversee the Student Reserve Fund
  • Work in coordination with the Budget and Finance Chairperson to establish all procedures for the Budget and Finance Hearings
  • Stay up to date on the uses of students’ tuition and fees
  • Create transparency surrounding how the Student Activity Fee is spent
  • Approve and execute all transactions of the SGA Budget
  • Oversee the two revenue streams of SGA- Verizon and Balfour
  • Oversee the AVP of Finance and use them as an asset for completing projections and aiding in oversight of Verizon and Balfour
  • Maintain Scholarships and oversee the selection process
  • Take on finance related initiatives that may arise throughout the year
  • Sit on various committees to represent the student voice
  • Keep the other Executive Officers and Cabinet updated and informed on the status of the SGA Budget
  • Chair the Salary Review Board when it is called to convene
  • Maintain purchase order system through AUinvolve
  • Complete purchase orders
  • Work in coordination with Ms. G and Becky (administrative assistants) to ensure all payments are made on time and all receipts are kept up with.
  • Help accomplish any goals established by the Executive Officers of SGA



Student Government Association
255 Heisman Drive – 3130 AU Student Center
Auburn University, AL 36849-5134

Phone and Fax

Phone: (334) 844-4240
Fax: (334) 844-4172


SGA Contact: SGA Mailbox

Last modified: May 18, 2020