Dear Auburn Family,
Our 2023-2024 SGA term has come to an end. Projects were completed, initiatives came to fulfillment and relationships have deepened. We can confidently say that we worked hard to leave Auburn better than we found it. We have been honored to spend the past year intentionally serving our campus and we are eager for what is to come within the next term. Given the amount of achievements, the monthly newsletter looks a little different. This month, we aimed to compile our overarching updates over the full term.
Executive Student Council:
Lobby Board:
Freshman Forum:
Miss Auburn:
We conclude this final newsletter from the ‘23-’24 Communications and Marketing team with a farewell letter from SGA ‘23-’24 President John David Jones.
Auburn Students,
As my term as SGA President comes to an end, I am left with many reflective thoughts, best described by former Auburn Athletics Director David Housel. Housel described his experience at Auburn: “Unless you have experienced it, you will never know what is, you will never understand it. Once you have experienced you will never be the same. A part of you will, forevermore, be an Auburn man or an Auburn woman.” Auburn is truly a special place, and giving your time to serve it will never lead to regret.
Following last spring’s election, I was overcome with passion and emotion as I entered my term. Our SGA Executive team set lofty goals – goals that we thought could leave meaningful impacts on the Auburn student experience. As we solidified our team, and began to work, I began to experience Auburn in more unique ways. I soon recognized that it was not the accomplishment of completing your goals, but the experiences with people around you that would leave a lasting impression on our beloved Auburn. Truthfully, it is not the buildings that are built, or the programs implemented, but the human touch of the Auburn family that creates the experience that David Housel describes.
Through these relationships, SGA worked to accomplish numerous goals: We sought to provide an improved gameday experience across all sports. We have secured the resources for an interactive campus map and a campus-wide app platform that encapsulates your Auburn experience. We will soon oversee the installation of the Aubie statue outside of the Melton Student Center. We have advocated to provide more space for students across campus amidst recent growth. We have strived to consolidate resources, pushing for a syllabus bank and a more standardized Canvas page. We looked forward, advocating for financial wellness across campus. We were able to add a Mental Health Tab to your Canvas page to connect students to the resources they need. Fortunately, this list is just a start. One thing I have realized is that accomplishing any project comes on the other side of having the right people in the right places. Without these people, my term would have seen very little success.
As Auburn continues to reach new heights, I am consistently reminded of my thoughts and feelings from my freshman year. I undersold what I thought Auburn would do for me. I knew it would give me a competitive degree, but upon my graduation this May, it will have given me more than I could have dreamed. I have experienced Auburn in a plethora of ways, been exposed to life-changing experiences, and encountered mentors, friends, and family. As I leave The Plains, I am challenged to remind others that it is those relationships that will accomplish any goal you set. I have been blessed to experience Auburn, and I too will never be the same.
John David Jones
SGA President 2023-2024
We thank you for the privilege of serving you.